Nourishing the New You
Healthy Retreat
Reprogram Your Attitude to Food
In-Person or Online by Zoom
Spiritual Practices with the Angels of Awakening - Grounding, Earthing and Anchoring to Avalon at 7 pm - 8 pm
AOA New Now Healing with Daisy available from 3-6 pm
Reprogram Your Attitude to Food, retreat day including lunch 10 am - 6 pm £120
AOA New Now Healing with Daisy available from 12-2 pm
Earth Angels & Food from the Angels of Awakening 10 am ~ 12 pm £60
1:1 Equinox Healings available all weekend
This year has shown us the importance of being well, being sick is not an option, so it becomes a choice of what you can do to optimize your health. Exercise, stretches, toning your muscles with ancient well tried and tested sacred prayers and Yoga positions are a great way to start your day. You can feel your body say thank you as you take care and love your new figure. Food is your next choice, are you going to change your old habits and embrace a new way of eating and Eat For Health? It does take a new motivation to educate yourself and introduce new foods and ways to cook them. From growing your own vegetables from seed to table, the science of food sources is fascinating and so rewarding.
If you would like to kick start your new health regime, then I highly recommend the 21 Day Purify your Biome with Synergy Worldwide. The benefits are fabulous and the whole program is designed to help and encourage you to change your old habits and realign your eating habits. The idea is to start with a 5 Day retreat and then come for the 7 Day retreat and have support whilst enjoying your Shakes.
Just to round off your New Now, New You Nourishment, what would be better than a beautifully healthy walk around Glastonbury, taking in the energy of the Sacred Sites and the serenity of nature.
Retreat In-person:
£10 Meditation
£120 Workshop
£60 Angels of Awakening workshop
£110 per AoA Healing with Daisy
£360 per night accommodation
= £660
Early Bird Offer x3 nights £600
Early Bird Offer x2 nights £500
£10 Meditation
£120 Workshop
= £130
£110 per AoA Healing with Daisy (optional)
Click here for further information on our Retreats.
For any questions call- 07970 108156
To book your ticket please contact
Much Love and Light!