Happy New Year!
May 2017 be filled with Angel Love & Light
I trust your Angels have been celebrating with you over the festive season, mine certainly have and we had a wonderful time!
Team Daisy 2016 ~ Daisy, Sarah, Lilija, Bari & Mam ~ It was Vicki’s day off!
The space between the Winter Solstice on 20th December and January 1st this year has had a much more positive vibe to it, let’s make it continue with affirmations and a clear focus ahead of what we want to keep us feeling happy.
Most people I have spoken to have had one of the best Christmases ever, much to their surprise, how was yours? Have a think - was it smoother, with less anxiety and stress?
Welcome Dianne & Emma
I started the New Year welcoming two new housekeepers Emma and Dianne, they are joining Bari, Vicki, Sarah, Lilija, Mam, Patricia, James, Jasmine and Jake as Team Daisy. I look forward to having a wonderfully happy and successful year, we trust you will too.
Translate the Spiritual Signs - They are Messages from your Angels
This is a period to reflect and plan for the next twelve months. So how do you receive this guidance from your Angelic Realms?
One way to translate the signs is by reading ‘The Angels of Awakening Oracle cards’ they come free with my book! It is filled with the lesson of life and guidance in the form of the spiritual laws. I only have a few left. Click here to buy a copy.
It’s a New Year 2017
What will it bring for you? What will you create for yourself? What are your dreams? Have you taken time to explore what is really important to you, what makes you happy, where is your joy coming from?
How do you start?
What is the first step to begin a “Nuuu U”? The angels say forget the gimmicks, it’s a New You that you want, not a load of new fangled products. Make a decision to do the things that will make you feel better about yourself. Take the steps, go for a walk, drink more water, make the first move.
When do you begin?
The 1st January? Ha Ha. That didn’t happen in my house, the result is I feel guilty and eat more! The best time to start something new is on the New Moon the next one is on 28th January… Yippee nearly a whole month to psych myself up for it!
Ooh, the Angels have pointed out the full moon on the 12th January was a perfect time to end the old habits, throw out or use up all the naughty items in your cupboards. So you could start with slowly emptying your house of all contraband, non skinny foods or drinks. Yes,the lemon liqueur does count, drink it, give it away or chuck it out!
There is so much positive inspirational material out there where do you start to look for it?
Magazines, Online Gurus, Webinars, Correspondence Courses, Yoga retreats?
How about joining the Angels of Awakening Academy?
It starts next week (20th to 22nd January 2017) with a Healing Weekend Retreat at the Daisy Centre in Glastonbury, or if you can’t make that sign up for my webinars that start as soon as 20 people are enrolled. Email me if you are interested and I will send you enrolment details.
Have you seen soul & Spirit Magazine's January 2017 Issue?
January's Soul & Spirit magazine is one of the best of the year in my opinion. It has a special edition Zodiac Guide with a multitude of horoscopes and angel spreads all giving you guidance for 2017. They also have a free pack of Healing Oracle cards from Wendy Thrippleton. Hurry though, the February issue comes out on 20th January.
I am especially delighted to have contributed to two articles in the magazine this month. They are “Let our Gurus Guide you” on page 20 and My “Real Life Story” on page 50. This one is an introduction to how I began my spiritual journey and met my Guardian Angel Merlina. I love the way it looks and how Soul & Spirit has picked out the significance of my meeting Merlina!
If you’d like to read my real life story in my own words in full (up until 2010!) click here
I will be posting the full story of "Let our Gurus Guide You” Blog Anna’s Feather of Comfort & Joy from her Guardian Angel” as my next blog post over the next few days.
I now have my work cut out ! I am gathering and updating the last 7 years ready to reveal the next chapters to bring my story up to date! Which is a paradox as I’ve spent most of that time trying to step out of story and to be in the moment!
“I have learnt that the past does not define you,
it was an experience that shaped you,
the future is yours to create
and the present moment
is the gift that keeps on giving.
Unwrap every moment carefully
with joy and happiness
as it becomes your memories,
special loving ones that you cherish.”
Here at the Daisy Centres Retreat we celebrated the Winter Solstice as the start of our New Year. See Return of the Sun God. It was a wonderful experience, the room was full of Earth Angels from all over the world, we were cramming in seats right up until the 11th hour! Blessings to Emma, Niamh, Emma Jane and her friends for coming such a long way.
The Angels of Awakening really made their presence known, the sounds of the Angel & the Alchemyst brought through the most amazing light language. These are sounds and messages for all those present and those tuning in from the Rose Quartz Community around the world. Everyone present found themselves filled with Angel Love & Light, no one wanted to leave the wonderful Angelic space.
The following morning we held our Winter Solstice celebration, which included connecting to all the ‘Circles of Sound’ and Angelic Circles of Love around the world at 11am. The main intention was connection and unity. The Angels of Awakening poured their Love & Light through the Daisy Centre, the Centre of the Daisy, the Centre of the Flower of Life, through the Centre of Avalon, the Heart Centre of Glastonbury, Glastonbury the Heart Centre of the World, the World the Heart Centre of the Universe. As this Angels of Awakening Love & Light energy filled this Space of love expanding out to fill beloved Gaia it joined up with all the other Global Healing Grids, Shamanic Circles of Sound, Reiki Grids that were also celebrating the return of the Sun God, the Winter Solstice celebration.
As the day progressed the energy had spread right around the whole world and there was a definite feeling of Peace pervading across the land. Glastonbury was quite serene! The intention is to have Peace, Joy and Unity on Earth for the next cycle, the foreseeable future.
Our next world healing ceremony at the Daisy Centre in Glastonbury is on the Spring Equinox 2017.