Anna's Feather of Comfort and Joy
How to translate the Spiritual Signs
that are messages from your Angels
There are so many ways for you to think about, feel and know your Guardian Angel is near you, supporting you, comforting and guiding you. This month, January 2017, I am sharing Anna's Story of Comfort and Joy with you.
I am so pleased to have contributed to two articles in Soul & Spirit magazine January and February 2017 editions. They are jammed full of wonderful ideas and articles. I have been asked to answer readers questions as an expert! I love this as it appeals to my ‘WiseWoman’ aspect of myself and I just love sharing my knowledge.
I thought you would like to know more about the latest question and hear how the full story of my answer to it unfolded. I asked Anna if she would like to share the experience she had during our healing session and she said yes, it was had such a profound effect on her she wants everyone to know they too have an angel when they ask for one.
‘Let our Gurus guide you’ January 2017 question in Soul & Spirit Magazine:
Q. My mother passed away last year and I was very close to her. She will appear to me in a dream and before she speaks, the dream abruptly ends. Often, when I wake up, there will be a white feather on the pillow next to me. Do you believe this is a sign from her?
My answer:
A. I strongly believe a white feather is a sign an Angel has visited you; they shake their wings when they land and they leave feathers as a symbol of peace and love.
I am sorry to hear of your loss, when a loved one passes, especially one with which you have a close bond; they want to comfort you and send you a message. Your Mother’s soul, her spirit, has found a perfect a way to communicate with you, with the help of her Angel she has sent a vision of love to you through the dream state. You wake up before she speaks because there doesn’t need to be words to tell you how much she loves you, you already know.
This does happen all the time, not just when you are asleep. Only last Wednesday I had a client who had a white feather poking out from her jumper on her arm. As she came around from her angel healing session I took a picture, as I knew she needed proof that it was all going to be okay. She was so overjoyed, she said that was where she felt her Angel hold her and stroke her arm. It was a tiny perfect feather but it meant so much to her in that moment that her Angel was with her.
The Full Story of
Anna’s Feather of Comfort & Joy
Anna has been coming to see me regularly, we met when she came to a Yoga Retreat at the Daisy Centre where I gave her a VortexHealing divine energy healing. The first healing session helped her so much she continued to come for Angels of Awakening Healing in my clinic in Barnes, London SW13.
When you come for regular Vortex Healing sessions Merlin and the Angels work through all your issues. It was clear that Anna was very unhappy in her job. However to just leave a job is a very scary prospect, especially when you live in a big city, that can bring up big money issues too.
“Until you are pushed ~ You don’t know you can fly”
As time unfolded the job became more unsustainable and it really was time to move on, sometimes if you resist ‘Life’ give you a little push. She was beginning to really feel out of sorts and definitely not herself, but through the positive talks we had and the release of the F.E.A.R the False Expectations Appearing Real. Anna found her courage and strength.
Anna realised she had completed the experience of working with that company. These cycles generally take usually 7,14 or 21 years! When they end When they end it is time for a new life experience, a new lifestyle, a new job only doing what makes you happy.
Anna came to see me the week she left, filled with anxiety mixed with excitement ready to start a new chapter in her life. The holiday was booked, a trip to see friends in Spain, family in Germany and Poland for Christmas, time for herself before she looked for another job.
The only thing that was missing was the confidence that this was the absolute right move and that she hadn't made a big mistake?
That’s when it happened!
Comfort from her Guardian Angel
The healing session began with such a lot of heat from the Angels of Awakening announcing their presence and burning off the F.E.A.R of all the past karmic issues relating to this old way of working. Boss-fear-bully - worker-fear-bullied an environment of strict one sided control that makes a negative and downward spiral of unhappiness, and imprisonment of your creativity. It was time to break free and feel fully supported that this was the best way to reconnect with herself and be the Earth Angel that she is. A beautiful free spirit of love, sharing her joy with all that she meets, the job / career/ engagement flows with this intent.
I had been stroking and moving the fascia in Anna’s arm to release the tension she was holding on to. Almost at the end of the session I looked down at her arm and a small feather had poked through her jumper. I was so surprised as I knew it had not been there previously. I had been stroking and moving the fascia in her arm to release the tension she was holding on to.
I didn’t want to disturb her so I took a photo to show her later. The energy kept flowing through the right arm as it is one of the “letting go pathways” of the body. Then I started working on her left arm and the energy really started to flow into her body. All this new pure potential energy filling her up with Angel Love and Light ready for her new beginning. It was a joy to witness.
Solid proof that her Guardian Angel
was with her
When Anna came fully back into her body and fully conscious I showed her the photo!
She was so overjoyed, she told me she could feel someone holding her arm throughout the session. She knew it wasn’t just me , as she could feel I was working on other parts of her body, but she didn't believe it. She wanted to really know who they were and why they were there. She wanted solid proof that her Guardian Angel was with her, and wanted to know what her name was. The message she received was that everything was going to be wonderful, her angel was female, and she only had to ask and she would help anytime.
It doesn't have to be a great big feather to reveal your Angel, this one was such a beautiful, perfect, petite feather, not overpowering or too overwhelming but just right to begin a spiritual journey with your personal Angel.
The Angels of Awakening are showing Anna that she had a lot of potential and lots of room to grow into the beautiful Earth Angel that she is.
As we were talking about how Anna felt about her encounter with her Angel she was glowing with confidence and exuberance. She was so delighted and it all made so much sense to her now. When Anna described how she felt pure comfort, the absolute love as the energy moved from her shoulder to her arm and how her heart felt like bursting open, I noticed something had appeared on her forehead. Another way the angels show you they have just visited you is to leave a gold speck, or a glitter spot. It is known as an Angel Kiss ….. they gently kiss and express their love for you.
There was a beautiful gold speck on Anna’s forehead just above her third eye, once again I took a photo to show her and she roared with laughter. Now Anna really believed her Guardian Angel loved her and was supporting her fully on this next part of her life journey.
I saw Anna this week and she told me she had called upon her Angel many times over the Christmas period, there were many examples of synchronicity that were obviously Angelic Guidance. She is feeling so much better and complete. Her confidence has returned and she has found a job to start straight away to keep her money issues at bay. Anna now knows her life purpose and is working on herself to find the perfect career for her lifestyle.
Believe your Angel is here to help
The most important part of this story is to believe your Angel is there to help, look out for the signs, feathers, gold & silver specks, small silver coins and anything else that signifies your Guardian Angel is trying to connect with you. For a really dramatic Angel feather story see my post "One Hundred Thousand Angels Came to Glastonbury Last Friday!"
If you wish to know more about how to connect to your Guardian Angel come and join my Angels of Awakening Academy online, or in person at the Daisy Centres Retreat.
Have you seen Soul and Spirit
January & February issues?
Anna's story features in “Let our Gurus Guide you” on page 20.
My “Real Life Story” on page 50 is an introduction to how I began my spiritual journey and met my Guardian Angel Merlina. The full story up until 2010 is on my last blog Happy New Year ~ May 2017 be filled with Angel Love & Light and here How I Met the Angels.
My next Angels of Awakening Healing Weekend starts today 20th January 2017, the next one is on the weekend of the 24th and 25th of February at the Daisy Centres Retreat. If you would like to come for this or future weekends email me at for the details, price, special offers and availability.