Scarlett’s Story of Courage
Something amazing has just happened. I want to tell you about “Scarlett’s Story of Courage”.
This beautiful young lady is the 16-year-old daughter of friends of Paul and I. We have watched her grow up over the past few years. Life has been challenging for Scarlett and her parents on many levels. It has left her a bit shy and afraid of many things. Having been ‘put on the spot’, she has just faced one of her biggest life challenges and has come through with flying colours and quite possibly some new wings! Thank you Angels…..
This is how her story unfolded…….
We started Friday with a visit to Battersea Dogs Home with Scarlett’s father who is a wonderful and generous Earth Angel, does a lot of work raising money for charities. He is a musician and entertainer and was asked to make a fundraising video for Ceesay Nursery School in Africa. It was great fun and BDH do such a good job finding new homes for cats and dogs, those Angels with fur on.
We left BDH and went on to the South Bank to shoot a ‘promo’ video for the next charity event for Ceesay, which was taking place that evening. We visited the London Eye, where it became obvious to me that Scarlett was very uneasy in a crowded place full of strangers. Bravely, she maintained her beautiful big smile throughout this ordeal.
At the evening event we sat together. We had a good chat, mainly about going to America, girly stuff, nails and beany babies! The best bit for us was inventing a new angel exercise “dancing in our seats, with lots of hand movements!” The evening was a great success and £1000 was raised for the school and the children.
On the Sunday following, Scarlett would be accompanying her dad on a trip of a lifetime to America. They were to chaperone an elderly family friend to his home in Cleveland, Ohio. She was so excited and was really looking forward to the adventure.
They stayed with us on Saturday night, so I was able to see them before they left for the airport. As they were leaving I found a random “Rose Quartz Community Angels of Awakening Mini Crystal Angel”. I gave it to Scarlett with full permission to call in the Angels of Awakening to help her on her journey to America and to experience a unique Angel Heart Opening and Healing of all her issues.
When Scarlett showed it to her dad, I went into my kitchen and found another random Mini Rose Quartz Angel, they really did just appear out of the ether! I don’t remember leaving them there! I gave it to him with the same instruction and promised to find one for Scarlett’s mum.
About four hours later we spoke to Scarlett’s mum, and she told us something had gone wrong with the flight plans. They had arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, however no US Visas had been purchased for them and unless they bought them online, they could not fly or be admitted into the USA. It was 8am on Sunday morning and it took ages to process each one. Dad and family friend managed to arrange theirs and were committed to go, but the gate closed before Scarlett’s form could be completed.
Scarlett was terrified at the thought of being abandoned alone in a busy international airport full of thousands of strangers. Her dad had no choice but to join the flight, as he was the responsible chaperone for the elderly man. She was left with a choice.
Get on the next flight alone, assisted by the flight attendants, or mum would have to drive 4 hours, pick her up and take her home. This was a huge and serious decision for Scarlett who was normally too scared to go out alone, or mix with strangers by herself.
Scarlett made a momentous decision and chose to carry on with the journey to America, by herself and meet up with her dad. She later told her mum that the little pink crystal angel gave her the strength and self-belief to conquer her fears. This was one of the biggest steps she had taken in her life, holding the tiny crystal in her hand whenever she felt she needed support. She also said that she felt that the Angels were with her throughout the journey.
Meanwhile mum at home and dad already on another plane, were beside themselves with worry as Scarlett’s ultimate fear was put to the test.
Normally she wouldn’t even get on the bus to go into town by herself.
Her parents were over the moon at how strong and determined she was to travel all that way by herself. She even had to make a connecting flight !!!!!
The little Crystal Angel gave her strength, it was so good for her and she felt empowered by holding it. Her father said, “The feeling of safety and well being really made the difference in her choice of whether she went home, or went on to the USA on her own.”
Dad also felt the angels with him during his flight. At this time he had no idea whether Scarlett was following him or going home. Little did he know that his daughter had discovered her courage and faced her biggest fear.
Scarlett completed her journey safely and had a wonderful time with her dad in America. Next time the angels say mum is going as well!
Part of the experience of the Rose Quartz Community Mini Crystal Angels is to invite the Angels of Awakening through to your body. They are held in between your finger and thumbs enabling the Angel Energy to come from Heaven to Earth and link in with Rosie the big mother Rose Quartz in the garden of the Daisy Centre. Her energy touches people in the most extraordinary way.
Have you been having a turbulent time of late? It seems to be one thing after the other. Just when it seems like it can’t get any worse it does? When you ask a friend why, they say, “It’s in the stars, the planets are out of alignment or Mercury is in retrograde, there’s an eclipse, it must be full or new moon.” It doesn’t seem to matter what the excuse is anymore, it feels bad everywhere, everyone is feeling negative and fearful!
The last three months have been especially challenging and for some the whole of last year was a time for changes and completions, it certainly was for my family and me!
When I feel like this I ask the Angels of Awakening to show me a sign, to give me guidance and to help me feel positive and full of faith once again.
The first step is to find out what you can do about the issue, the second step is to work out that you can’t do anything about the problem and the third step is to know the distinction between the two steps. Scarlett made her choice with courage.
There is an amazing poem called the Serenity Prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr in 1892-1971. Most people know the first part, I find the second verse is the one that brings me inner peace, and the angels remind me to say it like a mantra whenever the going gets tough.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
“When I ask the Angels of Awakening for help,
I also thank them in advance;
I trust they will be there for me.”
I find great strength in knowing we have continued with the “Rose Quartz Community” and have a very deep link with Avalon and the Daisy Centre. We will have twice weekly meditation evenings online for anyone who wishes to join in from anywhere in the world. Our meditations will be with Rosie and connect with the energy of the sacred sites of Glastonbury and around the world.
Over the past 10 years this practice with Rosie and the mini Crystal Angels has increased the awareness, qualities and principles of love - light and helped to open hearts of many people all over the world. One Heart, One Love as One.
The Angels of Awakening Academy is a place for you to learn more about Angels and face your challenges and empower yourself through your transformation of self-discovery.
Until the next time much love Daisy.
This article was previously published in Connections Magazine
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