Take Over Day
3rd January 2019 was Take Over Day !!!
The day Soul & Spirit allowed me to broadcast
Live on their Face Book page.
This was both an honour and a huge responsibility. I have been writing for the magazine for a few years now as an expert on Angels and I contribute to the Angel Answers every month. I love this magazine and I know it has helped lots of people start their Spiritual Journey. They have so many exciting articles and give everyone the chance to learn about so many different subjects, all dedicated to improving your well being.
I planned the day as best I could and Paul was absolutely amazing, with his loving attendance on all my media content. He made sure all the videos were in the correct format and of course we used his music where ever we could, especially in the Angels of Awakening Lessons and the Finding Your Happiness short messages.
Our first false start ….was not funny at the time!….but now it is….Classic Daisy…
on its side and on the wrong channel !!!!!
We knew the internet in our house in Glastonbury was not as fast as in London, and this was apparent when we started the live show at 9am. First of all we started on our own site not the Soul & Spirit page…Doh … and the camera was fixed to the wrong angle!!!…. you had to turn your head to the side…Double Doh!
We managed to connect to the large audience waiting for us on the correct page and off we went. Paul was the camera man and you can see how much his technique improved during the day. He was even doing zooming in on the last show at 8pm….Ha Ha…
The morning was filled with short videos
that gave you a small sample of my work
We made a few promotional videos that were released throughout the day, they can all be seen on the Soul & Spirit Magazine Facebook page under videos. Paul and I were afraid we would be sitting there in front of my I phone, with me jabbering away and the live feed not working due to the internet speed! So we found all the small vids we had made last year.
The Video of ‘Glastonbury Town Sacred sites’
Can be seen on the Angels Tour of Glastonbury Blog coming soon.
The beautiful images from Jerey Denning showing the Sacred Sites of Avalon for you to visit virtually. If you wish to come and spend time with the Angels at these sites, we would be delighted to take you on a tour to visit all the secret spaces the locals go to!
All 4 of the ‘Guided Angelic Meditation & Healing messages’ can be seen on ‘the Angels of Awakening Lesson of Unconditional’ Love Blog coming soon.
Listen to the Lesson of Unconditional Love taken from my first book, The Angels of Awakening Lessons of Love,Life & Creation. This illustrated book contains the knowledge of the Universal Spiritual Laws. I teach these laws and other practices in The Angels of Awakening Academy during my Angel Retreats, which you can find at www.daisyfoss.com.
9am Live show was short and sweet and
is available to watch on my Angels of Awakening
Youtube Channel.
11am live show…..Who are the Angels of Awakening?
I introduce you to the Angels of Awakening, and call in the Angels of Atlantis using their sacred sounds. I give you Angel Healing and explain how to ask the Angels for help with tinnitus or other hearing difficulties. We ask for a card for 2019….it is the Angel of Dedication, the angel who started me on my journey.
2pm Live show ….Healing with the Angels of Awakening
I explain how the Angels can help you with Healing through grief with crystals. How do you use your crystals and which ones can you use for healing any issues with your skin.
There are many tips on how to combat energy vampires and increase your energy levels. How do you help relieve a migraine, the Angels bring in their Healing energy and help you feel safe and secure. This was the most watched and shared post with 1.8k views, I hope you find the answers to assist you in your well being with the Angels and Crystals.
How to make a Crystal Grid with your own crystals and rocks
is included in this hour.
5pm Live Show ……The Daisy Matrix, The Flower of Life…
A simple explanation
How do the Angels flow through the Sacred Geometry of the Ancient Flower of Love? I take you on a whistle stop tour of the symbols of the Daisy Matrix; the Vesica Pisces, Seed and Flower of Life and Metatron’s Cube. How do you unblock and achieve the success you want? I explain the Law of Attraction and how to use this ancient wisdom to connect with Creation. There are more questions for the Angels and card readings for those who asked in the moment. You can always ask me for your own oracle card reading and healing.
What is your Divine Purpose?
8pm Live Show….Healing, Cleansing and Clearing with
the Angels of awakening.
How to make a Rose Quartz Community Grid
You can tune into the Rose Quartz in the Heart of Avalon whenever we have Angels of Awakening Events and Meditations. Make a Rose Quartz Community Grid and bring in the big guns, the Archangels are there to help you, you just need to ask them.
What an amazing day, we really enjoyed the experience, I want to Bless and Thank Soul & Spirit magazine for the opportunity to share my Angel Experiences. I have loved every minute, much love to all of you who supported me and joined in.
Daisy Foss will be answering any Angel Questions you may have and sharing any guidance she receives. You only have to ask, go ahead and contact her, she is always very happy to help.
All the Live posts and videos that were released throughout the day can all be seen on the Soul & Spirit Magazine Facebook page under videos.
Do come and stay and have some Healing with Accommodation at my Magical Angelic Healing Retreat. Please do go to my new Daisy Centres website for all the information that you will need to book a room for your self, or a group of friends.
Please subscribe by email and like or love my Daisy Centres Facebook page. Do come and stay and have some Healing with Accommodation at my Magical Angelic Healing Retreat.
If my blog has inspired you at all, or motivated you in any way, please subscribe by email, like or love my Daisy Foss Facebook page. By sharing my Blog and Facebook posts with your own comments and stories, this helps everyone reach more people.
Please See The Daisy Centre Website Or Phone 01458 834587 To Book
Angels of Awakening Academy ~ Daisy Foss ~ Winner of Best Spiritual Course / Workshop 2018