Summer Solstice 2017
Angels of Awakening Healing Weekend and Summer Solstice Retreat
The Summer time in Glastonbury is such a wonderful time to visit. The Summer Solstice weekend was jam-packed with energy, with lots of events happening in Glastonbury Town. There are different events every year, but the essence is the same. During Daisy's Healing weekends my guests know I am in residence at the Daisy Centre. Most of my work is taking me to London and across Europe this year, who knows where I will be going next year? Invite me to where you live and I will come with the Angels of Awakening.
With Rosie the Rose Quarts in the Daisy Centre Garden in Glastonbury
Friday Nights Gathering of Angels, featuring the Angel & the Alchemyst
Paul and I hold a meditation where we call in all the Angels of Awakening and Ascended Masters to hold the space, while we send the sound healing through those who have joined us in the room. We have the intention to send this healing light out into the world along the ley and Dragon Lines around the world.
Calling in with Light Language
The room was particularly full as this was the first time Paul and I had held a ceremony for a few months, perhaps that's why it was such high energy this time. The Angels came and they made their sounds and sent their messages. it was a very profound experience for everyone present.
Angels of Awakening Academy
Sphere on Saturday
The next morning, still buzzing from the night before, we began the Angels of Awakening Sphere One class. However, the angels had other ideas! The participants had already attended Level One, so we launched right into Level Two! It was amazing, we were taken on a journey through to the Angelic Realm of one of the people in the class. It was as if we were there in person, a really vivid sight, with so much detail. At one point the Angels said Happy Birthday to Rhi! I didn't know it was her birthday the next day. The whole experience was amazing, I had never experienced anything like it and neither had the others. We all felt clear, clean refreshed and re-birthed for the new cycle that was just about to start.
Summer Solstice Ceremony with the
Angels of Awakening - Linking in with the
Circle of Sound
Every Summer Solstice at the Daisy Centre we gather for a morning meditation for the 11.11 am portal that enables the Angelic Light through the Golden Pyramid in the Gabriel room. We link into all the Circle of Sound groups who are also gathering around the world to bring Unity, Harmony, Compassion and Peace to all of creation.
This year we managed to video the whole event, so do have a look and join in if you want to.
The Triple Event Effect on the 21st June 2017
The energy really began to build as the day progressed. The Glastonbury Festival opened to the public, Stonehenge Solstice and the Heat, it was so HOT!!!
We're used to seeing this amazing sculpture at the Solstice Hilton on the A303, over Solstice we saw him holding a daisy for the first time. You may have seen him there, or on one of his visits to Glastonbury Festival at Silver Hayes.
The Solstice Climax
By the evening the temperature and the portal was so intense, the room was fit to burst. there was no room for anyone else. The Light Language that arose really came through to the group in the room and we also managed to shoot a live Facebook Video for the very first time!!!
It is 40 minutes long, but it really gets you in the zone and brings great healing for yourself and the planet.
Guess who we found in the garden?!
At the close of the day we had a Solstice visitor to the garden - a hedgehog! that must be quite lucky, he was so sweet, a blessing.
Join us for Autumn Equinox 2017
Jo Clarkson
For Autumn Equinox 2017 I'll be hosting a whole Weekend with Jo Clarkson & Emmanuel, Daisy Foss & the Angels of Awakening, along with many friends, all channelling their Angels, sounds and light language. It starts on Wednesday 20th September and goes on until Sunday 24th. We really hope you can join us!
Wednesday 20th September 6.30 to 7pm ~ Full moon Fire Ceremony
Thursday 21st September
10.30 to 11.30am ~ Circle of Sound meditation & connection - Magic Hat
7.30 pm until 9pm ~ Angels of Awakening Circle of Sound Healing Activation with Daisy & Paul Foss - £10
Friday 22nd September
2.00 - 4.30pm ~ Ask Emmanuel - An afternoon with an Angel (and his channel Jo Clarkson)~ £10 or Magic Hat
7.30 - 9pm Angels of Awakening Autumn Equinox Evening with Daisy & Paul Foss featuring Kirtan with Kirtan Wallah Jo ~ £10 or Magic Hat
Actual time of Equinox is 21.02pm.
Saturday 23rd September
10.00 - 12.00pm Speak to the Angels, a Q&A Angel Round Table. Featuring Emmanuel channelled by Jo Clarkson, Merlina through Daisy Foss & Shimlaya through Katie. More guest Angel channels to be announced ~ £10 or Magic Hat
1 to 1 Sessions available with Emmanuel by appointment.
Afternoon & Evening of the 23rd September - The Daisy Centres Completion Ceremony and the Birthing of the Angels of Awakening Academy. Followed by a Farewell Party at 7.30 pm until late!
Sunday 24th September 2017 ~
10.00 until 1pm ~ Healing the Wounds of the Priests and Priestesses of the Egyptian Temples. An Angels of Awakening Academy Workshop facilitated by Daisy Foss ~ £44
2.00 until 4pm ~ The New Cycle Begins of the Ancient Egyptian Wisdom. Workshop facilitated by Daisy Foss~£44
If you'd like to attend the retreat please see our Room Rates or phone 01458 834587 to book. Whilst here you can book a healing treatment with Daisy Foss or with one of her team of healer friends. The price for your night's stay will be £80 or £90 for a premier ensuite room for two. For single travellers it is £50 per night for a standard room, or £60 per person per night in the premier rooms midweek.
To book your space please contact:
Angels of Awakening Academy at the
Daisy Centre Angelic Healing Retreat.
01458 834587 ~ 07970 108156 ~ ~